Thursday, December 31, 2009

David Silipigno- A Successful Businessman And A Great Philanthropist

David Silipigno is a well known name in the field of business and charity in Saratoga County. He is the owner of the David B. Silipigno Foundation, which works for the well being of at – risk children. It provides them the social and emotional support. Besides being a great humanitarian and a philanthropist, he is also a very successful businessman. He started working as an entrepreneur at the age of nineteen and at his mid 20's, he had more than 600 employees working for him. National Financial Corp. (NFC) was his first business venture and it was also one among those few companies which introduced the approach of call centre towards business. Since then he is constantly providing great employment opportunities to the youth. David Silipigno is also the founder and/or consultant of five area businesses, Principal Commercial, First Guarantee Mortgage, Industry Partners Title, Saratoga Venture Capital and Saratoga Studios.

David Silipigno believes that everyone should make an effort to make this society a better place to live in. This is the reason, that he always encourages his staff to donate financial funds to charitable trusts who work for a social cause. The David B. Silipigno Foundation also helps those organizations which help the underprivileged children. He wants to build an ongoing financial resource with the help of which it would become easier to help more and more service programs that are dedicated to the betterment of the society. He himself ensures his visit to almost all local charitable events to encourage such needy children.

David Silipigno has been awarded several times for his dedication towards the upliftment of poor and underprivileged children. He was chosen for the award "The Spirit of Service" by John and Christine Colley, who had previously chaired The Arthritis Foundation. He was honored with this award on March 7, 2009 for his outstanding services to the community. He was also honored by the Albany Academy for Girls. They named a new athletic facility after his name. To know more about David Silipigno, browse through

David Silipigno Achieved Tremendous Success With His Hard Work And Determination

David Silipigno is one of the top businessmen and humanitarians from Saratoga County. He is the owner of David B. Silipigno Foundation. This foundation works for the upliftment of poor and needy children. It helps in providing social and emotional support to such children. He created this foundation as he always wanted to bring a change in the lives of children who are deprived from the required basic necessities. David Silipigno was born in Boston, Massachusetts and was bought up in Clifton Park, NY. He is also the founder and/or consultant of five area businesses which are Principal Commercial, First Guarantee Mortgage, Industry Partners Title, Saratoga Studios and Saratoga Venture Capital.

David Silipigno did his studies from Shenendehowa High School and Albany University. He started working as an entrepreneur at a very young age and by the time he reached mid 20's, more than 600 employees were working for him. National Financial Corp (NFC) was his first business venture, and it gave vast opportunities of employment to the youth around the areas of Saratoga County. He believes that hard work and determination are essential for achieving such tremendous success.

David Silipigno also works as an executive producer. He produced the movie The Skeptic under the banner of Saratoga Studios. The Skeptic was appreciated by the audience because of the combination of thriller and horror. It was released on the 1st of May, 2009. He has been honored with various prizes for his humanitarian deeds. He received the honor of "The Spirit of Service", award by the Arthritis Foundation for his outstanding services to the community. He also donated $775000 for a new facility to the Albany Academy for Girls. For more information about David Silipigno and his foundation, log on to

Friday, December 18, 2009

David Silipigno—A Successful Businessman And A Great Philanthropist

David Silipigno is a well known name in the field of business and charity in Saratoga County. He is the owner of the David B. Silipigno Foundation, which works for the well being of at–risk children. It provides them the social and emotional support. Besides being a great humanitarian and a philanthropist, he is also a very successful businessman. He started working as an entrepreneur at the age of nineteen, and in his mid 20's, he had more than 600 employees working for him. National Financial Corp. (NFC) was his first business venture, and it was also one among those few companies which introduced the approach of call centre towards business. Since then, he is constantly providing great employment opportunities to the youth.

David Silipigno is also the founder and/or consultant of five area businesses, Principal Commercial, First Guarantee Mortgage, Industry Partners Title, Saratoga Venture Capital and Saratoga Studios. David Silipigno believes that everyone should make an effort to make this society a better place to live in. This is the reason that he always encourages his staff to donate to charitable trusts who work for a social cause. The David B. Silipigno Foundation also helps those organizations which help the underprivileged children. He wants to build an ongoing financial resource with the help of which it would become easier to help more and more service programs that are dedicated to the betterment of the society. He personally visits almost every local charitable event to provide assistance to the needy.

David Silipigno has been awarded several times for his dedication to the upliftment of poor and underprivileged children. He was chosen for the "The Spirit of Service" award by The Arthritis Foundation Of NENY. He was honored with this award on March 7, 2009 for his outstanding services to the community. He was also honored by the Albany Academy for Girls. They named a new athletic facility after his name. To know more about David Silipigno, browse through

David Silipigno—Supporting Underprivileged Children

The David B. Silipigno Foundation was created by David Silipgno in order to improve the condition and well being of the underprivileged children. David Silipigno is a famous name in the field of charity and business. He belongs to Saratoga County. He achieved great heights in business through constant hardwork and dedication. David Silipigno did his studies from Shenendehowa High School and Albany University. He started working as an entrepreneur at the age of nineteen only. And, by the time, he reached his mid 20's, he had nearly 600 employees working for him.

David Silipigno is a firm believer in donating and does his best to help the needy and poor people. He has always laid emphasis on creating an environment which is full of possibility and positive approach for the children. Apart of his own foundation, he also donates to charities and various local charitable trusts from time to time for the betterment of society. He encourages his employees as well to contribute to the society so that it could be made a better place to live in. The David B. Silipigno Foundation provides athletic as well as educational based programs for boosting the confidence of these children.

David Silipigno is teaching the mortgage business since past 18 years, and is also the consultant and/or founder of five areas businesses which are First Guarantee Mortgage, Industry Partners Title, Saratoga Studios, Saratoga Venture Capital and The Principal Commercial. His first business venture was National Finance Corp. (NFC). He has always provided vast employment opportunities in and around the areas of Saratoga County.

The David B. Silipigno Foundation has been providing funds to various programs to nurture the children and to make them confident. Various events have been organized and funded by this organization which includes PAWS For a Cause, 2007 Albany Tulip festival, FUTURE's Tournament, Chocolate Festival and many more. To find more about David Silipigno and his foundation, please log on to

David Silipigno Is Known For His Humanitarian Deeds

David Silipigno is the founder of David B. Silipigno Foundation which works for the betterment of underprivileged children. He belongs to Saratoga Springs and is a famous name in business over there. He is known for his humanitarian deeds and charity. He has provided constant financial support to many of the organizations who work for the upliftment of the needy children. He contributes to the welfare of society by lending a helping hand to the weaker sections of the society.

David Silipigno is a prominent businessman and a great philanthropist. His foundation works for ensuring the well being of the underprivileged children in and around the areas of Saratoga County. The David B. Silipigno Foundation also provides support to other charitable trusts which are working hard to improve the living standards of needy and poor children. David Silipigno has funded various events that are organized for boosting the self confidence of such children and not only he provides them the financial support, he also ensures his presence in almost every local charitable event.

David Silipigno ventured into business at the age of nineteen as an entrepreneur, and since then, he is constantly achieving success in each and every field. When he reached the age of mid 20's, more than 600 employees were working for his firm. He is constantly providing vast opportunities to the youth by providing them employment. He is also the founder and/or consultant of five business areas which are First Guarantee Mortgage, Saratoga Venture Capital, The Principal Commercial, Industry Partners Title and Saratoga Studios.

The David B. Silipigno foundation provides funds on annual basis to many community based organizations. It works for the social cause of upliftment of poor and needy children. It has funded various events which include The Future's Tournament, The Northeast family, LARK Fest, PAWS For a Cause, 2007 Albany Tulip festival and many more. David Silipigno was awarded with "The Spirit of Service Award"by The Arthritis Foundation of NENY on March 7, 2009 for his dedication towards humanity. To know more about David Silipigno, please visit

Thursday, December 17, 2009

David Silipigno: A Businessman Who Believes That Hard Work Is The Only Key to Success

David Silipigno was born in Saratoga County. He is a successful businessman and a god fearing person. He believes in charity and does his best to improve the condition of underprivileged children. He has set his entire business through his constant dedication towards his work. He is a firm believer of the fact that there is no shortcut to success. He started his business as an entrepreneur at the age of 19 and by the time he reached the age of mid 20's, he had more than 600 of employees working for him. Since then, he has been constantly providing excellent employment opportunities to thousands of people.

He owns an organization named as the David B. Silipigno Foundation which works for the children who are deprived from basic necessities to live a healthy life in and surrounding areas of the Saratoga County. David B. Silipigno Foundation wants to create an ongoing financial resource so that it can help large number of needy children and organizations more easily and efficiently. It is a foundation which is constantly contributing in creating a positive atmosphere which is full of possibilities and opportunities for the children. It is committed to the well being of underprivileged children and thus, also provides funds to other foundations who work for the upliftment of such kids.

There exist many organizations like the Arthritis Foundation, Catholic Charity, American Red Cross, Saratoga Center for Family, Mental Health Foundation, and YMCA Saratoga which are being constantly provided funds for this noble cause. David Silipigno also encourages his staff to donate funds to the charitable events. He believes that success is meant to be shared others and one should never forget those persons who helped him in need. To know more about David Silipigno, browse through

David Silipigno-Always Ready To Help For A Noble Cause

David Silipigno is a renowned person from Saratoga County. He is a top businessman and believes in charity. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts and was bought up in Clifton Park, NY. David Silipigno completed his studies from Shenedehowa High School and Albany University. He founded the organization named David B. Silipigno Foundation which works for the upliftment of the children who are deprived from the basic necessities of life.

David Silipigno started his business as entrepreneur at the age of 19. His first business venture was National Financial Corp (NFC). He is among those few persons who initialized the call centre approach in business. He has great experience in the field of management and entrepreneurship. He works as the founder and/ or consultant of five area businesses, which are First Guarantee Mortgage, Saratoga Studios, Industry Partners Title, Principle Commercial and Saratoga Venture Capital. Besides being a successful businessman, he ensures to provide time to his foundation David B. Silipigno Foundation. He regularly provides donations to the organizations which are also working to assist the underprivileged children. He believes that it's our duty to make society a better place to live in and everyone should put his efforts towards this goal.

He has been constantly providing funds to the events and organizations which work for the underprivileged children by providing them the required emotional and social support. He has provided funds to the events like PAWS For a Cause, LARK Fest, Albany Tulip Festival, FUTURES Tour, The Northeast Chocolate Festival and others. David Silipigno also encourages his staff to give donations to such organizations which help the needy and poor people and motivate them to pay regular visits at the local charitable events. Find out more information about David Silipigno and his ventures by visiting

David B. Silipigno Foundation—Providing Support To The Underprivileged Children

David B. Silipigno Foundation was created to help those children who are needy and require support from the society. It is based in Saratoga County and is one of the leading foundations currently existing. David Silipigno was born in Boston, Massachusetts and was bought up in Clifton Park, NY. David B. Silipigno Foundation has been constantly working for the upliftment of poor and underprivileged children from last many years. Besides running this foundation, David Silipigno is also an entrepreneur.

David Silipigno always wanted to do something for the weaker sections of the society. He wants to create an environment full of opportunities for them. He regularly attends the charitable functions and donates money for a cause dedicated to charity. The Arthritis Foundation, Saratoga Center for family, Catholic Charities, YMCA of Saratoga, Mental Health Foundation and American Red Cross are some of the organizations where David Silipigno has donated funds from time to time.

David Silipigno started working at the age of 19. He started his career as an entrepreneur and he had more than 600 of people working for him by the time he reached his mid 20's. First Guarantee Mortgage, Saratoga Studios, Saratoga Venture Capital, Principal Commercial and the Industry Partner Tile are the five areas of businesses where David Silipigno works as the founder and/ or consultant. His philosophy towards life is that there is no shortcut for success.

David Silipigno has always encouraged his staff to donate funds to the charitable organizations. He keeps on giving help to other organizations as well who are working for this noble cause. He has also given donations to various events like the PAWS for a Cause, Chocolate Festival, LARKfest, 2007 Albany Tulip Festival and many more. If interested to know more about David Silipigno, please visit

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

David Silipigno—Community Service Is His Passion

David Silipigno is a top entrepreneur from Saratoga County, New York. He is popular for his humanitarian and philanthropic deeds. He has studied from Shenendehowa High School and Albany University. Silipigno is also the founder of the David B. Silipigno Foundation. This foundation lends a helping hand to the underprivileged children in Saratoga County and its outlying communities. David Silipigno has managed to bring a positive change in the lives of hunderds of people through his David B. Silipigno Foundation.

After becoming an entrepreneur at the age of 19, Silipigno made tremendous progress. He helped numerous young men by providing them adequate employment opportunities. He learnt a lot about entrepreneurship from his first business venture, which was National Finance Corp. (NFC). NFC was also the first company to develop a call center approach towards business. David Silipigno is also the founder and/or consultant of five area businesses i.e., Principal Commercial, Saratoga Venture Capital, First Guarantee Mortgage, Industry Partners Title and Saratoga Studios.

His foundation focuses on working for the child welfare and enhancing the lives of underprivileged children in the Saratoga County and nearby areas. David Silipigno and his staff attend most of the charitable events in the area and donate wholeheartedly. He has also helped several organizations which are working in the same area. He had also given gifts to the children and staff of the Northwoods Hilltop Pediatric Center. He received the prestigious In the Spirit of Service Award from The Arthritis Foundation of Northeastern New York. He was chosen for the first such award by John and Christine Colley because of the hard work he had done for the development of Saratoga County and society as a whole. Find out more about David Silipigno at

Monday, December 7, 2009

David Silipigno: Assisting Underprivileged In Becoming Self-Sufficient

David Silipigno is well-known businessman, philanthropist and humanitarian from New York. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts and has studied from Shenendehowa High School and Albany University. To assist the underprivileged children from Saratoga County and its nearby areas, he established the David B. Silipigno Foundation. David Silipigno ventured into business early and become an entrepreneur at the age of 19. He assisted thousands of area employees in becoming self-sufficient by offering them adequate employement opportunities.

He has made tremendous progress in his career through his dedication and sheer hard work. David Silipigno believes that the successful persons should be more responsible towards the society and should work whole heartedly for the advancement of the society. David Silipigno is the founder and/or consultant of five area businesses which are Saratoga Venture Capital, Principal Commercial, First Guarantee Mortgage, Industry Partners Title and Saratoga Studios. He has been responsible for teaching the mortgage business to thousands over the past 18 years. David Silipigno is also an executive producer of the movie The Skeptic and it was released in May in New York.

David Silipigno likes to lead by example, and he always contributes whole heartedly to various charitable events in Saratoga County and its surrounding areas. David B. Silipigno Foundation has assisted numerous needy and underprivileged people in leading better lives. David Silipigno has contributed to many charitable institutions through his foundation such as Albany Tulip Festival, PAWS For A Cause, The FUTURES Tour, LARKfest, The Northeast Family Chocolate Festival and others.

His foundation also supports other community-based organizations that are working for the development of the at-risk children by giving them financial donations on annual basis. He has been honored by various organizations for his contributons towards the development of the society. Find out more about David Silipigno at

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

David Silipigno—An Outstanding Businessman Dedicated To Charitable DeedsDavid Silipigno—An Outstanding Businessman Dedicated To Charitable Deeds

David Silipigno is a popular business from Saratoga County who achieved great heights in his career through his hardwork, dedication and perseverance. He has completed his studies from Shenendehowa High School and Albany University. He became an entrepreneur when he was 19 years old and by the time he reached his mid 20s, he had more than 600 employees on the roll. His first business venture was National Finance Corp. (NFC) which provided great employment opportunities in the Saratoga County and its nearby areas.

David Silipigno is also the founder and/or consultant of five area businesses which are First Guarantee Mortgage, Saratoga Venture Capital, Industry Partners Title, Principal Commercial and Saratoga Studios. He has also been responsible for teaching the mortgage business to thousands over the past 18 years. Apart from being a successful businessman, he is famous for his philanthropic and humanitarian deeds for the development of in-need children.

David Silipigno believes in contributing to the social causes and helping the needy and underprivileged from the weaker sections of the society. To achieve his goals, he founded the David B. Silipigno Foundation which aims at helping the needy and underprivileged children in Saratoga County and its surrounding areas. David Silipigno also believes in sharing his success and work for the betterment of the society. He regularly donates for the local charitable causes and believes that every one should make an effort and contribute to make society a better place.

David B. Silipigno Foundation provide funds to various programs that work to ensure that all children have safe and caring environments. The foundation provide funds to the programs that provide educational, athletic and community enrichment opportunities to the youth which can help them in achieving all that they are capable of. The various events that have been funded by this foundation includes PAWS For a Cause, 2007 Albany Tulip Festival, FUTURE's Tournament, Chocolate Festival and more. He has also been awarded numerous times for his sincere work towards betterment of the society. To know more about David Silipigno and his foundation, you can browse through

David Silipigno Provides Support For Development Of In-Need Children

David Silipigno is a popular business from Saratoga County who achieved great heights in his career through his hardwork, dedication and perseverance. He has completed his studies from Shenendehowa High School and Albany University. He became an entrepreneur when he was 19 years old and by the time he reached his mid 20s, he had more than 600 employees on the roll. His first business venture was National Finance Corp. (NFC) which provided great employment opportunities in the Saratoga County and its nearby areas.

David Silipigno is also the founder and/or consultant of five area businesses which are First Guarantee Mortgage, Saratoga Venture Capital, Industry Partners Title, Principal Commercial and Saratoga Studios. He has also been responsible for teaching the mortgage business to thousands over the past 18 years. Apart from being a successful businessman, he is famous for his philanthropic and humanitarian deeds for the development of in-need children.

David Silipigno believes in contributing to the social causes and helping the needy and underprivileged from the weaker sections of the society. To achieve his goals, he founded the David B. Silipigno Foundation which aims at helping the needy and underprivileged children in Saratoga County and its surrounding areas. David Silipigno also believes in sharing his success and work for the betterment of the society. He regularly donates for the local charitable causes and believes that every one should make an effort and contribute to make society a better place.

David B. Silipigno Foundation provide funds to various programs that work to ensure that all children have safe and caring environments. The foundation provide funds to the programs that provide educational, athletic and community enrichment opportunities to the youth which can help them in achieving all that they are capable of. The various events that have been funded by this foundation includes PAWS For a Cause, 2007 Albany Tulip Festival, FUTURE's Tournament, Chocolate Festival and more. He has also been awarded numerous times for his sincere work towards betterment of the society. To know more about David Silipigno and his foundation, you can browse through

David Silipigno Is Popular For His Excellent Philanthropic Services

David Silipigno is a successful businessman from Saratoga Springs. He is better known as the founder and president of the David B. Silipigno Foundation, a foundation which work towards the development of the needy and underprivileged children. Through his foundation, he also supports various other organizations that are striving hard to improve the living standard of underprivileged children in Saratoga County and its nearby areas.

David Silipigno become an entrepreneur at the age of 19 and has never looked back since then. As a successful entrepreneur, he helped lots of young men in the area by providing them employment opportunities for the betterment of their future. He is also the founder and/or consultant of five area businesses which are First Guarantee Mortgage, Saratoga Venture Capital, Industry Partners Title, Principal Commercial and Saratoga Studios.

The David B. Silipigno Foundation has been making sincere efforts to help the weaker sections of the society. This foundation also supports some other community based organizations that are involved in helping the underprivileged and at-risk children by providing them social and emotional support. The foundation supports such community based organizations by providing them funds on annual basis. David Silipigno and his staff always participates in almost every local charitable event and provides financial aid to them.

David Silipigno has funded numerous events that include The FUTURE's Tournament, LARKfest, PAWS For a Cause, 2007 Albany Tulip Festival, Chocolate Festival, The Northeast Family and more. For his outstanding services to the community, he was presented In The Spirit of Service Award on March 7, 2009 by The Arthritis Foundation of NENY. He was chosen for this award by John and Christine Colley who had previously chaired The Arthritis Foundation. Find more about David Silipigno at