Friday, December 18, 2009

David Silipigno—A Successful Businessman And A Great Philanthropist

David Silipigno is a well known name in the field of business and charity in Saratoga County. He is the owner of the David B. Silipigno Foundation, which works for the well being of at–risk children. It provides them the social and emotional support. Besides being a great humanitarian and a philanthropist, he is also a very successful businessman. He started working as an entrepreneur at the age of nineteen, and in his mid 20's, he had more than 600 employees working for him. National Financial Corp. (NFC) was his first business venture, and it was also one among those few companies which introduced the approach of call centre towards business. Since then, he is constantly providing great employment opportunities to the youth.

David Silipigno is also the founder and/or consultant of five area businesses, Principal Commercial, First Guarantee Mortgage, Industry Partners Title, Saratoga Venture Capital and Saratoga Studios. David Silipigno believes that everyone should make an effort to make this society a better place to live in. This is the reason that he always encourages his staff to donate to charitable trusts who work for a social cause. The David B. Silipigno Foundation also helps those organizations which help the underprivileged children. He wants to build an ongoing financial resource with the help of which it would become easier to help more and more service programs that are dedicated to the betterment of the society. He personally visits almost every local charitable event to provide assistance to the needy.

David Silipigno has been awarded several times for his dedication to the upliftment of poor and underprivileged children. He was chosen for the "The Spirit of Service" award by The Arthritis Foundation Of NENY. He was honored with this award on March 7, 2009 for his outstanding services to the community. He was also honored by the Albany Academy for Girls. They named a new athletic facility after his name. To know more about David Silipigno, browse through

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